歡迎參加 美國奧勒岡州立大學院長Dr. Tammy Bray演講
發布日期 2016/10/7


日 期:105/10/11(二)

時 間:15:40~17:30

地 點:秉雅樓NF451

講 者:Dr. Tammy Bray & Dr. Siew Sung Wong

主 題:Current Issues and Technical Approaches to Nutrition Education and Research

    Part 1 – The Biggest Loser and Other News on Obesity and Health – a flipped classroom discussion (Dr. Tammy Bray). 

    Part 2 – Using Technology and Games to Improve Behavioral Changes for a Healthy Life Style in Youth (Dr. Siew Sung Wong).




日 期:105/10/12(三)

時 間:13:40~15:30

地 點:秉雅樓NF451(如報名人數踴躍將換教室,到時另行通知)

講 者:Dr. Tammy Bray & Dr. JoAnne Bunnage

主 題:High Impact Practices on Student Success

    Part 1 and Part 2 :This is a two-hour interactive presentation that will be presented by both Dr. JoAnne Bunnage and Dr. Tammy Bray






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